Research & Development

TRITON aspires to develop a system that will enable autonomous drone operations targeting activities taking place in a port. This project opens up brand new value propositions wholly unrelated to the way drone technology is currently being utilized in the maritime domain. The most important step forward in the TRITON project relies on the fact that the drones will autonomously navigate, and more importantly, automatically recognise moving obstacles in the port’s airspace in order to reconfigure their flight paths to avoid midair collisions.

Duration:                         01/09/2020 – 30/11/2023
Funded under:                5G-LOGINNOV (European Union)
Overall budget:              € 7 926 475


SmartVitiNet is an innovative project that aims to scale up, pilot, and bring to the market a holistic phytosanitary and plant protection system based on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, new observational platforms, and new ready-to-use sensors. The project also aims to establish a Competence Center for Precision Viticulture.

Duration:                         01/12/2022 – 30/11/2025
Funded under:                European Union
Overall budget:              € 1 983 439

The HECTOR project created an autonomous solution for inspections of ship confined spaces relying on a drone that collects visual and ultrasonic data. The HECTOR project significantly pushes the boundaries in the fields of robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Condition-Based Maintenance which contributes significantly to the Digital Transition of the shipping industry.

Duration:                         01/06/2020 – 31/05/2023
Funded under:                GALATEA (European Union)
Overall budget:              € 3 670 505


Oenobotics services rely on the Oenobotics drone platform and consists of:

▶ Disease and water-stress diagnostics
▶ Precise spot- spraying for treatment of downy mildew, powdery mildew and grey mold/botrytis early diagnostics.
▶ Wireless drone changing through a smart charging dock.

Oenobotics services are delivered to customers, such as vineyard farmers or associations, through a hardware-as-a-service business tool, supporting them to avoid significant initial investment costs.

Duration:                         01/06/2019 – 29/02/2024
Funded under:                Agrobofood (European Union)
Overall budget:              € 16 696 609,11

AFarCloud is a distributed platform for autonomous farming that will allow the integration and cooperation of agriculture Cyber Physical Systems in real-time in order to increase efficiency, productivity, animal health, food quality and reduce farm labour costs. This platform will be integrated with farm management software and will support monitoring and decision-making solutions based on big data and real time data mining techniques.

Duration:                         01/09/2018 – 30/11/2021
Funded under:                European Union
Overall budget:              € 26 568 727,39
